Saturday 19 November 2011

You've been gamed

Halo 3 was a big hit for all sorts of reasons.  The gameplay was tight and responsive, the level design was brilliant, the graphics were purty and, let's face it, the Halo series isn't exactly small-time.

Another part of Halo 3 that makes it great is the theatre mode, which has made a return in Halo Reach and been copied in both Black Ops' and Modern Warfare 3.

In short, theatre mode gives players the ability to look back upon their recently played games and take screenshots and videos of their favourite parts.

Halo creators, Bungie, have even made it possible via subscription service to render your videos and share them with friends over or YouTube to broaden the range of your bragging potential.

There are all sorts of videos out there, ranging from the standard "look at all my kills":

to the unfortunate:

to the downright stupid:

It's a great shame that so few developers have chosen to jump on this particular bandwagon as part of the fun of online gaming is the mental things that can happen while playing.

What if you could take a video of that time you and three of your mates all chainsawed that one poor guy into tiny pieces?  As the complexity of gaming grows telling stories about occurrences in games doesn't cut it any more.

As they say on the internet:  Pics, or it didn't happen.

(all of the above videos were taken and rendered by me)

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