Sunday 27 November 2011

Give me complexity or give me death

I've been, shall we say, 'jonesing' for a game like The Witcher for the past few months.

Every now and then I need a game that openly mocks my console gaming peasant status and The Witcher does just that.  It thrusts you in front of a mirror, rips off all your clothes and exposes you for the pathetic, simple-minded moron that you are.

I love it.

I love that I need to have a little rest when performing alchemy, because mixing ingredients is bloody hard work. I love that the autosave is so gut wrenchingly awful that I've twice been set back about an hour in play time.  Most of all I love that it's not afraid to kick my teeth in every now and then.

The brutality isn't reserved just for the user interface or the difficulty, either, the setting is unbelievably dark for an action RPG.  It falls into the old writing trap of using lots of swears to prove you're a big boy/girl, but the characters do feel believable and they fit right in with the depressing world they inhabit.

I hear that The Witcher 2 is just as stupidly complex but with faster combat and an even beefier story.

Call me a masochist, but I must have it.

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