Sunday 20 November 2011

My secret stache

Actual size
It's Movember again, and has been for a good 20 days now, which is the month in which real men grow their facial pelt in order to raise awareness of prostate and testicular cancers.

Alongside the raising awareness bit men also try and raise money as a sort of sponsorship for growing that facial fur modern men are too civilised to don.

I'll cut to the chase before you get bored and switch off: I've been taking part in this year's Movember.

I'd like to say that my stache is as far forward as is demonstrated above in this artists impression of me, but it would be a lie.  The truth is that I'm not much on the moustache.  I can grow a tiny beard, I can even generate sideburns with effort, but a nice luxurious moustache?  Not a chance in hell.

It doesn't help matters that I've joined a Movember team that is populated mostly by men who are well blessed with the ability to grow hair from the follicles right above their top lips.  Comparatively I look about as gruff and hairy as my eight week old son.

The team target is £1000 by the end of Movember.  At the time of writing the team is sitting pretty at £783.

Help us hit our target!

Head on over to my MoSpace and hit either the "Donate to me" or the "Donate to my team" button.  Regardless of which you press the money will go to the same place.

By clicking on my MoSpace you also get a chance to snigger incessantly at my pathetic attempt to grow facial hair, but I don't mind as long as you donate to the cause!

Finally, if you've already donated give yourself a high five.  You've done your part...for now.

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